Exkash, which is not only safe and easy, but also financially convenient for all its users can now be used to transfer your egopay money to your local bank accounts too. The process is quite simple. First, you have to place an order for the Exkash Cashout service provider on their website for an egopay fund transfer. Then, upon receipt of the order, your money would be transferred directly to the destination local bank account of your choice at the lowest transfer rates. Another added advantage of Exkash is that your transfer would be completed within 24 hours.
This method has proven to be successful to many people all across the world and Exkash is certified to be a trusted E-currency transferor. They also offer Cashout Cards for your convenience that works for many currencies across the world at many ATMs. Thus, if you are looking for a way to withdraw your egopay money from your local bank account directly, E-currency transfer through Exkash is the best solution for you.